Monday 6 June 2011

Super low motion

Writing in great detail is often a tricky thing to do. This is in part because it requires imagining something in incredible detail, and partly the realisation that commenting on each of the tiny details builds up tension, suspense and drama. However it should be used carefully otherwise the overall plot will progress too slowly. The task this week is to attempt a very precise coverage of a slow motion film; I have written one up to this video as a style model. I find a slow motion video works very well for this task.

Sharp nose and rectangular forehead looks passively off screen, seemingly unsuspecting of an incoming projectile but surely watching it being propelled just out of shot. Yet despite his apparent composure, he clenches up his face as his instinctive defense mechanisms take hold of his muscles. Lips purse to resist entry of the incoming, nose seems to crinkle away, cheeks and eyes tense up. His breath is held. The projectile finally at it's point of destination; A water-ballon full to bursting. It's rubber skin giggling ripples as it flys through the air, water whiping from it's surface. His whole head tilts forward bracing for impact to save his nose and neck muscles from the weight of the water. As the ballon presses against his face, it's giggles become a great belly laugh and the ripples become waves that role obnoxiously around the man's cheeks, mocking his meagre attempt at resistance. It wraps great arms around his head, pulling his face into the cold folds of it's hilarity, stretching and reaching all around before snapping. It's laughter errupts into violent anger and the rubber peels back to reveal the crushing weight of it's innards. The explosion throws the man backwards amongst a million crystals that are flung out like the radiation of a dying star. As the crystals become rain and fall away, his breath is released and once again he can draw breath.

You can choose any subject but it should be a moment of a story worthy of a slow motion account, an emotional moment, a plot twist, someone in love or pain or a moment of catastrophe. You can try any slow motion video, or write your own acount.

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